I want to make a difference, but the biggest difference makers are parents - more so than a coach, pastor, teacher, ect. The only thing is parents get the least recognition of “making a difference in my life”. I want to be a help to you, to be on your team, to be in your corner for raising spiritual champions. I hope the following is as much a help to you as it has been for me.
Monitor Media Use.
The old saying “ignorance is bliss” is entirely wrong when it comes to media usage of your child. You are their GATEKEEPER and the one responsible for what gets to them. Cameras on doorbells and porches indicate that we are interested in monitoring our homes. Don't neglect the more valuable place of your child's heart and mind that become influenced by their media consumption.
Minimize Media Use.
Time is so easy to get away from us and so it is wise to evaluate whether or not your child is spending too much time on media. Helping your child isn't always giving them more but may be taking some away.
Moralize Media Use.
Some would consider this intrusive, but then again you're the parent and they are the child. You need to provide commentary on what they consume. It’s a practical opportunity to teach them what is right and wrong. This requires that you watch what they watch. You follow who they follow. Many children do not know how to hear the Holy Spirit and perhaps don't want to hear Him; that's when you must be there, speaking as His ambassador.
Model Media Use.
Surely “do as I say and not as I do” is a terrible philosophy to live by, so therefore model the media use you want for them. Jessica and I keep a completely “open” policy, meaning that I can browse through whatever I want of her phone and she mine. Perhaps our children would sense the wholesomeness if we allowed them the openness to see our media usage.
May God help the next generation.
Concept of the Four M’s of Media Management came from George Barna’s book entitled Raising Spiritual Champions. I highly suggest y'all to read it.
-Doug Barone | Youth Pastor
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