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Service Time

Sunday School 10:00am | Sunday Worship 10:45am | Sunday Evening 6:00pm | Wednesday 7:00pm

by: Doug Barone



1.    By Baptism 

As a person is baptized at Mount Pisgah Baptist Church, they also become a member and are included into the membership roll. This includes special requests to be baptized at a lake, river or pond.  

2.    By Statement 

A person already baptized at another church of like faith can become a member of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church by statement. This is a public recognition that you have been saved and baptized at another church but wish to become a member of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. 

3.    By Letter 

Another option for a person already baptized at another church of like faith is to join by letter. A letter is sent to the church you were baptized at requesting the acknowledgment of scriptural baptism. 

If you wish to join Mount Pisgah Baptist Church you may speak to our pastor beforehand, he will ask if you have been saved and how you would like to join. 

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1.    By Baptism 

As a person is baptized at Mount Pisgah Baptist Church, they also become a member and are included into the membership roll. This includes special requests to be baptized at a lake, river or pond.  

2.    By Statement 

A person already baptized at another church of like faith can become a member of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church by statement. This is a public recognition that you have been saved and baptized at another church but wish to become a member of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. 

3.    By Letter 

Another option for a person already baptized at another church of like faith is to join by letter. A letter is sent to the church you were baptized at requesting the acknowledgment of scriptural baptism. 

If you wish to join Mount Pisgah Baptist Church you may speak to our pastor beforehand, he will ask if you have been saved and how you would like to join. 

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