Bus Ministry
Provides transportation for so many in our community to and from our weekly church services. We run routes two times on Sunday and once for the Wednesday evening services.
Prison Ministry
Local correctional facilities have been gracious to allow us the opportunity to minister the gospel to their inmates. We hold multiple services each month to present Jesus Christ as well as try to serve their other needs.
Radio & Television
Our local radio network WECO 940AM broadcasts our weekly church services every Sunday at 11:00 A.M.
Additionally, local TV channel 12, BBB televises our services on channels 1081 & 1086. BBB-TV12 broadcasts to Knox, Anderson, Campbell, Cumberland, Morgan & Roane counties.
Food Committee
This ministry is an incredible help to many of our church family members in times of loss and great need. Our aim is to help bear their burden.
For more than 50 years we have been and will continue to print God's precious word. These Bibles are predominantly shipped oversees to missionaries, then distributed without charge to those in need. 75% of the people in the world do not own their own copy of God's Word, that is why we work and strive to print the Bible. You can read and see so much more below.
The goal of our K-12 grade Christian Academy is to provide students with an quality education from a Biblical Worldview. Secular philosophies have created a very confused and disoriented culture, but as Children are educated and molded upon the principles of God's Word they truly become rooted like a well established tree (Psalms 1:3).