
Service Time

Sunday School 10:00am | Sunday Worship 10:45am | Sunday Evening 6:00pm | Wednesday 7:00pm

Bus Ministry 

Provides transportation for so many in our community to and from our weekly church services. We run routes two times on Sunday and once for the Wednesday evening services. 

Prison Ministry 

Local correctional facilities have been gracious to allow us the opportunity to minister the gospel to their inmates. We hold multiple services each month to present Jesus Christ as well as try to serve their other needs. 

Radio & Television 

Our local radio network WECO 940AM broadcasts our weekly church services every Sunday at 11:00 A.M. 

Additionally, local TV channel 12, BBB televises our services on channels 1081 & 1086. BBB-TV12 broadcasts to Knox, Anderson, Campbell, Cumberland, Morgan & Roane counties. 

Food Committee

This ministry is an incredible help to many of our church family members in times of loss and great need. Our aim is to help bear their burden.  

For more than 50 years we have been and will continue to print God's precious word. These Bibles are predominantly shipped oversees to missionaries, then distributed without charge to those in need. 75% of the people in the world do not own their own copy of God's Word, that is why we work and strive to print the Bible. You can read and see so much more below.

The goal of our K-12 grade Christian Academy is to provide students with an quality education from a Biblical Worldview. Secular philosophies have created a very confused and disoriented culture, but as Children are educated and molded upon the principles of God's Word they truly become rooted like a well established tree (Psalms 1:3).

Children given a Christian environment by Christian workers are given a definite edge in life. We are helping meet the need of many local families during the formative years of a child's life.


Sunday School

Children | Toddlers
Mrs. Shandy Bonifacius & Mrs. Kendra Walls care for our youngest group of Children in the toddler nursery. They have a brief lesson and time of teaching while these children are in their most formidable years.
Children | 3 year olds
Mrs. Carolynn Brocius is our teacher and you can find her classroom in the lower level of the church. She teaches our 3 year old boys and girls. She goes above and beyond what is expected and makes a difference in their lives.
Children | 4 - 5 year olds
Mrs. Debra Campbell meets with the 4 & 5 year old boys and girls in the lower level of the church. Her room is called the purple room.
Girls | 1st - 3rd grade
Mrs. Suzy Walls teaches our young girls and meets in the lower level of the church.
Boys | 1st - 3rd grade
Mr. Kevin Phillips & Mr. Steven Bonifacius teach these boys young boys each week and each do a wonderful job. They meet in the lower level of the church.
Girls | 4th - 6th grade
Mrs. Claudia Patterson has a truly faithful heart and loves the Lord, in her class the girls are taught of God's goodness.
Boys | 4th - 6th grade
Mr. Jonathan Johnson meets with these boys in the lower level of the church in the Red Room.
Teenagers | 7-th -12th grade
Mr. Doug & Jessica Barone are there early with the doors open, breakfast waiting, ready and excited to give the teenagers an exciting start to their Sunday morning. After a brief welcome together, the girls and boys separate into a Bible study with Doug teaching the boys and Jessica teaching the girls.
G.A.P. Class
This class is for the college aged and young adults. Mr. Andrew Walls teaches this class and does a top notch job doing so.
Newlyweds Class
Mr. Terry Copeland meets with many of our newly married couples and does a fantastic job every Sunday.
Sojourners Class
This class is for our middle aged men and women taught by Mr. Kevin Hearn. They meet in what we call the old sanctuary. You can expect to find a welcoming spirit and good friends here.
Heart & Home Class
Mrs. Heather Gann teaches a family oriented ladies class, has a great testimony and is a tremendous encouragement to so many.
Upper Room Class
Mr. David Johnson teaches many of our seniors in what we call the C.S. Harvey room.
Class of Joy
Mrs. Leota Wallick is a wonderful teacher for our older (50 and up) women of the church.
Class of Sweet Charity
Mrs. Gail Walls also teaches many of the older (50 and up) women of the church.
Main Sanctuary
Pastor Walls teaches a class for all those not able to get to other parts of the building.

Children's Ministries

  • Those in our children's choir are called the GPS Singers.
  • Awana Clubs meet Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. 
  • Those 8-12 years old have the opportunity to attend camp. 
  •  Jr. church programs for both the Sunday A.M. and P.M. services. 

Teen Ministries 

  • Our youth choir is known as the Mount Pisgah Ensemble
  • Special activities for outreach, discipleship, and fun times together.  
  • Those 12-19 years old can attend summer camp. 
  • Teen Church meets every Wednesday upstairs in the Teen Center

See more right here:Summit Youth Ministry


  • Separated rooms for our infants & toddlers
  • Carolyn Brocious, our Nursery Director, does a great job providing a safe, consistent and caring atmosphere for our infants and toddlers.

Clothes Closet 

Open Wednesday's 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. Please call the church office for questions. 

Food Pantry 

Helping those in emergency situations.

So much more

So many people do important things that are behind the scene and make a big difference. 

Daily Reminders of Hope 

Also known as the key chain ministry. Producing and distributing thousands of powerful gospel witnesses locally and globally. 

See more here: 

Daily Reminders of Hope