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Sunday School - 10:00Am | morning worship - 10:45Am | evening worship - 6:00pm | Wed. Bible Study - 7:00pm

Mount Pisgah Baptist Church Leadership

Mount Pisgah Baptist Church is blessed to have a leadership team truly dedicated to the cause of Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and some of their qualifications for ministry.

Dr. Garvan W. Walls

Senior Pastor

Pastor Garvan Walls has been faithfully pastoring for over fifty years. As a child, Brother Walls grew up at Mount Pisgah, where his father led the singing. He is a "local boy", with a worldwide vision to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ. After being the pastor of growing churches in Ohio and West Virginia for approximately 13 years, he answered the call of God to head back to his hometown of Oliver Springs, TN to be the pastor of his childhood church. 

In December 2022, Pastor Walls celebrated 40 years as pastor of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the ministry continues to grow.

Pastor Walls has received an honorary doctorate from the Crown College of the Bible. He and his wife, Gail, have been married for over fifty years. They have five children and a host of grandchildren. 

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Pastor Garvan Walls has been faithfully pastoring for over fifty years. As a child, Brother Walls grew up at Mount Pisgah, where his father led the singing. He is a "local boy", with a worldwide vision to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ. After being the pastor of growing churches in Ohio and West Virginia for approximately 13 years, he answered the call of God to head back to his hometown of Oliver Springs, TN to be the pastor of his childhood church. 

In December 2022, Pastor Walls celebrated 40 years as pastor of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the ministry continues to grow.

Pastor Walls has received an honorary doctorate from the Crown College of the Bible. He and his wife, Gail, have been married for over fifty years. They have five children and a host of grandchildren. 

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Robert D. Langford IV

Pastor's Assistant

Brother Robert was born in Knoxville, TN in 1989, and received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior at the age of eight at vacation Bible school. His family came to Mount Pisgah when he was a child. As a teenager, he surrendered to become a preacher of  the gospel. He is a 2007 graduate of Mount Pisgah Christian Academy. After  pastoring in other churches for nearly ten years, he was called to serve at Mount Pisgah in 2018. He greatly enjoys ministry work and serving the Lord. He and his wife, Jessie, have been married since 2009. They have three children. 

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Brother Robert was born in Knoxville, TN in 1989, and received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior at the age of eight at vacation Bible school. His family came to Mount Pisgah when he was a child. As a teenager, he surrendered to become a preacher of  the gospel. He is a 2007 graduate of Mount Pisgah Christian Academy. After  pastoring in other churches for nearly ten years, he was called to serve at Mount Pisgah in 2018. He greatly enjoys ministry work and serving the Lord. He and his wife, Jessie, have been married since 2009. They have three children. 

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Doug Barone

Youth Pastor

Brother Doug grew up with a godly upbringing in northeast Ohio. He attended Heritage Baptist Institute in Cleveland, OH, where he received a bachelor's degree in theology. Shortly thereafter, he accepted God’s call to ministry. He has been the youth pastor at Mount Pisgah since 2016. Brother Doug has a tender heart and wants to see teenagers find an abundant life in Jesus Christ. He and his wife, Jessica, have been married since 2015. They have two children. 

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Brother Doug grew up with a godly upbringing in northeast Ohio. He attended Heritage Baptist Institute in Cleveland, OH, where he received a bachelor's degree in theology. Shortly thereafter, he accepted God’s call to ministry. He has been the youth pastor at Mount Pisgah since 2016. Brother Doug has a tender heart and wants to see teenagers find an abundant life in Jesus Christ. He and his wife, Jessica, have been married since 2015. They have two children. 

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Wilma Griffith

Church Secretary

Sister Wilma Griffith was saved at Mt. Pisgah on February 14, 1995, at the age of forty. She had made a profession of faith at a young age, but later came to the realization that she didn't have Jesus in her heart; she received Him that day as her Savior. Wilma has attended Mt. Pisgah since 1986, and became the secretary in the fall of 1993. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, and she testifies that she has always found God faithful to carry her through, come what may.

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Sister Wilma Griffith was saved at Mt. Pisgah on February 14, 1995, at the age of forty. She had made a profession of faith at a young age, but later came to the realization that she didn't have Jesus in her heart; she received Him that day as her Savior. Wilma has attended Mt. Pisgah since 1986, and became the secretary in the fall of 1993. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, and she testifies that she has always found God faithful to carry her through, come what may.

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Judy Thacker

Financial Secretary

Sister Judy Thacker came to Mount Pisgah in 1984. She had made a profession of faith at a young age, but realized she needed to be saved some years after. Having been saved, she became a member at Mt. Pisgah. Since 2015, she has served as the financial secretary for the church.

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Sister Judy Thacker came to Mount Pisgah in 1984. She had made a profession of faith at a young age, but realized she needed to be saved some years after. Having been saved, she became a member at Mt. Pisgah. Since 2015, she has served as the financial secretary for the church.

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H.B. Carney II

Printing Director

H.B. Carney was saved on October 21, 1980, at New Life Baptist Church. In the late 80’s, he came to Mount Pisgah and became the Director of the printing ministry. He and his wife, Marie Anne, have been married since 1974. They have three children and eight grandchildren. 

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H.B. Carney was saved on October 21, 1980, at New Life Baptist Church. In the late 80’s, he came to Mount Pisgah and became the Director of the printing ministry. He and his wife, Marie Anne, have been married since 1974. They have three children and eight grandchildren. 

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Carl Brocious


At the age of nine, brother Carl Brocious trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior during VBS at Mill Creek Baptist Church, in West Virginia. Pastor Walls asked him to come to Mount Pisgah in late 1987, after he graduated from Trinity Baptist College. He started work on January 4, 1988. Over the years, brother Brocious has been responsible for a wide variety of things, including building and grounds and children's and bus ministries. In addition to his present role as principal of Mount Pisgah Christian Academy, he also serves as a regional representative on the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools' board of directors. He and his wife, Carolyn, have 4 children and several grandchildren.

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At the age of nine, brother Carl Brocious trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior during VBS at Mill Creek Baptist Church, in West Virginia. Pastor Walls asked him to come to Mount Pisgah in late 1987, after he graduated from Trinity Baptist College. He started work on January 4, 1988. Over the years, brother Brocious has been responsible for a wide variety of things, including building and grounds and children's and bus ministries. In addition to his present role as principal of Mount Pisgah Christian Academy, he also serves as a regional representative on the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools' board of directors. He and his wife, Carolyn, have 4 children and several grandchildren.

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Kendra Walls

Assistant Principal

Born in Oak Ridge, TN, Kendra was saved at Child’s Memorial Baptist Church, in Harriman, TN. She has served as the Assistant Principal of Mount Pisgah Christian Academy since July of 2011. She and her husband, Andrew, were married in October of 2002. They have three daughters. 

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Born in Oak Ridge, TN, Kendra was saved at Child’s Memorial Baptist Church, in Harriman, TN. She has served as the Assistant Principal of Mount Pisgah Christian Academy since July of 2011. She and her husband, Andrew, were married in October of 2002. They have three daughters. 

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Shandy Bonifacious

Pre-School Director

Shandy Bonifacious was saved at the age of twenty, at Mt. Pisgah. She became director of the preschool in 2009. She and her husband, Bradley, have been married since 1997; they have two sons. 

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Shandy Bonifacious was saved at the age of twenty, at Mt. Pisgah. She became director of the preschool in 2009. She and her husband, Bradley, have been married since 1997; they have two sons. 

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Mitchell Ogden

Media & Information Technology

Mitch was born in Peoria, IL, then spent ten years living in Freeport, ME, with his wife, Molly, and two sons, Joey and David, before moving to Oak Ridge, TN.  He brings 30+ years of IT engineering experience as well as sound engineering with proficiencies in other media technologies to our church.

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Mitch was born in Peoria, IL, then spent ten years living in Freeport, ME, with his wife, Molly, and two sons, Joey and David, before moving to Oak Ridge, TN.  He brings 30+ years of IT engineering experience as well as sound engineering with proficiencies in other media technologies to our church.

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