

Sunday School - 10:00A Sun Am Service - 10:45A Sun PM Service - 6:00p Wed Bible Study - 7:00p

Blessed and Busy

Doing our best to keep events and special services updated. 

01 Jan

January 1st | New Years Day

 7:00 PM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

We will be having a Wednesday evening New Years Day service at 7:00 p.m. 

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23 Apr

The War of Special Forces

 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

Wednesday Thursday and Friday will be a very special event for Middle and High students. We invite you to plan to be a part of this incrediable outreach. There will be competative competitions, powerful preaching, memories that last a life time, nightly meals, spirit-filled conselors and so much more. 

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24 Apr

The War of Special Forces

 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

Wednesday Thursday and Friday will be a very special event for Middle and High students. We invite you to plan to be a part of this incrediable outreach. There will be competative competitions, powerful preaching, memories that last a life time, nightly meals, spirit-filled conselors and so much more. 

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25 Apr

The War of Special Forces

 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

Wednesday Thursday and Friday will be a very special event for Middle and High students. We invite you to plan to be a part of this incrediable outreach. There will be competative competitions, powerful preaching, memories that last a life time, nightly meals, spirit-filled conselors and so much more. 

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09 Jun

Vacation Bible School | June 9th - 13th

 6:30 PM - 8:15 PM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

We are so excited and looking forward to what God will do at Vacation Bible School this 2025 year! Make sure to put June 9-13th on your calendar and plan to be there! 

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07 Jul

Summer Camp | Bill Rice Ranch | July 7th - 12th

 10:00 AM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

July 7th -12th is our annual summer camp where we will take those 8 years old to 19 years old to Murfreesboro, Tenneessee. There will be two camps at one location and during the same week: Junior Camp (8-12 yr olds) and Youth Camp (12-19 yr olds). 

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27 Nov

Thanksgiving Day Praise Service

 9:30 AM - 10:35 AM

 115 Old Hen Valley Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840

Thursday, Thanksgiving morning we will hold our annual Thanksgiving day praise service. At 9:30 a.m. we meet in the old sanctuary. This is always a wonderful time we can give thanks to our wonderful Savior. 

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